Friday, March 6, 2009

Sincere Apologies... Part 3

Alright, so 3alia picked me up, and we headed straight for home, no questions asked. Every time she asked me about what was going on, and if anything was wrong, I ignored. I kept thinking about M7amad, and his masculine generosity. It was love at first sight, if that even exists! As soon as we got into the driveway, I told 3alia I’d call her and explain everything, but that I was too shocked to explain anything at the moment.
“Il7imdila 3ala il salama! Wain kintay? Il Gumar!?” My father teased, angrily.“Yuba, kint tabi tkalimni?”“Ee kint bagool lich ukhooch raad min il sifar ilyoum, fa abeekum kilikum itgoomoon itizahibon 3alashan kilina ibni6la3 3al 3asha ma3a ba3ath”SSSHHIIITTT!! My brother was coming home from University! Holy crap, his car!“Inshallah yuba, 3ala amrik. Al7een agoom abadil.”I ran as fast as I could up the stairs, passing the countless portraits of the family that hang abstractly across the corridor’s walls. I slammed the door behind me and jumped onto my bed. Tears rushed down my eyes. What was I to do?I took out my phone, and called the driver.“Joseph, if anyone asks you, Jassim’s Porsche is in the garage, it’s being serviced. Okay?”“Yes okay madam” he said, confused.“Thank you.” I ended the call, and took out the piece of paper with M7amad’s number on it. I dialed.
“Aloo?”I was silent.. breathing heavily.“….Raghad?”OhMyGod. Shdaraah!?“Shlonich Raghad?”I remained silent. I started hyperventilating! And then.. the tears came back down!“Atmana kilma wa7da minich.. kilma walaw jabr kha6ir?” He laughed.“M7amad” I said.I could hear him smile. You know it when a person’s smiling on the phone! I’m sure you all know it.“Amray 6iweelt il 3umur” Silence again.“Tabeeni awadeelich ilsayara al7een? Goleeli.. Layridich ila ilsanich.”“Lo sama7t” I said.“Khala9 wela yhimich. Ana makhith’ha a9lan… Mishaitay oo khalaiteeha… Fa gilt a9ali7ha. Bachir tkoon 3indich.”“Mashkoor.. Wayid!” I cried…“La ya Raghad. Intay ili mashkoora.. wayid.”I was… happy.

Just when I thought things were going great... -Call waiting, Daddy.-
Oh boy.


  1. loved the beginning;) amazing!

    pls continue.. i really wanna knw what happens! thaankss!;*

  2. lw sam7tay 36eny ragam ilgarage, ib youm wa7id be5ali9 il syara :p
    hahaha laa bs nice post, q9er bs nice ;)

  3. maskeena....her brother will FLIP if he finds out lool....great post babe, kinda short but still amazing...waiting for more ;**
